Favorite Quote

Try not to become a woman of success, But rather a woman of value.- Albert Einstein

Favorite Quote


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Start

Oh what a great day so far for me. I have been up got kids off to school hubby and oldest son of to work, read a new devotional book,  had some prayer time, walked a mile and starting a new blog. Feeling pretty good about my day I must say.

Been  crazy last year for me and my family, but its all coming full circle and we're getting back to where we need to be. Thank You Jesus!.... As you can tell I'm a wife...mother...and Christian.. the three best things in life to be....but I'm also a daughter..sister..and friend. as must of us woman are some of those things also. Well don't know about you but sometimes being all those can be tough...if you are like me you fill pulled in so many direction sometimes...you take in all the worry of things (at least I do)...want things to be just right all the time...Well guess what? they are not and boy I'm I learning that for sure.

Do you know the story of Mary and Martha from the bible? Which are you? Well just started a book that I was reading a while back Called 'Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World' by Joanna Weaver. That's so How I feel.  I am so Martha going all the time...wanting everything just right not taking a break that I'm missing out on getting closer to God. I want to be Mary and sitting at his feet and just taking it all in but oh I will in a min.  let me get this done...or run here....hold on Jesus be done in min....let me get dinner do the wash then I will be ready....ummmm nope by then I'm so wore out that I'm falling asleep on couch.

To think Jesus is just sitting there waiting on me to make the right choose...to have a sit at his feet and listen...pray...read his word...just talk with him...but I allow myself to let this world take that time from me. Well today I have decided I'm giving my savior that time each day....hey he died on a cross for ME? was beaten so bad for ME? I want that relationship with him. I want to be at his feet like Mary instead of missing out cause I'm in the kitchen like Martha.

In the scripture Martha says to the Lord...Make her help me she has done nothing! But Jesus says " Martha Martha  you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her" Luke 10, 38-42

Well I want to chose what is better. Don't you? If so try to set aside a little time to spend with Jesus each day, it will be tough in this Martha kinda of world...with all the things life brings up on us as woman we are just so tired and wore out to give anymore. but remember this scripture:

"Come to me all you who are weary, and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you learn from me. I am gentle and humbled in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yolk is easy and my burden is light" Mathew 11; 28-30

Don't know about you, but that say so much to me...I wanna rest in my saviors arms...cause at times this world is to much for me!!

God Bless


Alida Sharp said...

It is so hard being a Mary in this Martha world. I have always felt like the odd man out. God bless you and your new blog!

joy and blessings to you,

Unknown said...

Congrats on a lovely new start and have a blessed and beautiful Word-Filled Wednesday :)